Illegal use of BIT trademark
The trade mark is one of the most important things, which helps customer recognize company and companies products from other similar competitors products. In the IT market, we are familiar with our full company name as well as the short one (BIT) , which is very popular and eaven more frequently used in the middle of our partners and customers.
After wrong written invoice and calls from interestents to find out whether we have changed the name of the company, our attention had been focused on company “BIT IT”. This company have chosen confusingly similar trade mark to ours. Is it just a coincidence or a deliberate action, so company would be easierer to entry the IT market since both companies are offering the same products and services?
In order to avoid the fact that people are misled and may be confused with these similar trade marks, we have been turned to court with a claim for unlawful use of our trademark. With interest we went to court the hear a competitor’s arguments for company name choice. The court found that Ltd.”Baltic Information Technology” (BIT) trademark is well-known and the two marks are highly similar. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that the Riga Regional Court confirmed that a infraction has occurred and asked Ltd. “BIT IT” to change the name and take other actions to further our clients are not misled. This decision made second-instance court, which agreed to first-instance court a year ago, and considered judgment of the reasoning to be correct and fully sufficient.