Positive and remarkable export growth in IT industry
Latvian Information and Communication Technology ( ICT) industry export of services in 2015 have increased by 24% amounting to 361.32 million euros , informs the Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association ( LICTA ).
The ICT sector is stable with a steady and positive export development of the ICT industry every year. These data confirm the ICT sector competitiveness and Latvian specialist competence , which is assessed at the international level. Compared to last year , has grown both – computer and information as well as telecommunications services exports – by 30% and 11%. Latvian ICT industry services are in demand not only in the European Union (EU) countries , but also in other continents. In year 2015, computer and information services exports has increase by 20% in to the EU countries, but exports outside the EU has increased by 41%.
As well as ICT indusrty export has grown, export of company Baltic Information Technology, ltd (bit) has significantly grown in year 2015. Export has increased by 66 %, amounting to 779 609 thousand euros, which is approximately 18% of total company turnover. Export growth is based on the demand growth in market of the EU countries. Overall, in 2015 BIT exports was provide in 12 countries, of which the most important export countries were the Czech Republic , Poland, United Kingdom and Switzerland . We are delighted that we have made our contribution to the industry total export growth.
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